Quotes From "Gods Blueprint Of The Holy Bible: Volume 2" By Felix Wantang

Only a fool will accept a gift you cannot keep. You can't keep anything from the world but salvation is wise and everlasting. John 3:16 Felix Wantang
Satan doesn't want the gospel to be preached in the whole world because he is afraid of what comes after that - the End of the Age. Matthew 24:14 Felix Wantang
God is looking for fearless and courageous faith rooted in obedience of His law. This is what it takes to work for God. Joshua 1:1-9 Felix Wantang
Persecuting Christians because of Jesus Christ is like a man who goes after the children of his enemy because he is indeed afraid of his enemy. Matthew 24:9 Felix Wantang
True faith in God through Jesus Christ, must be manifested with fearless spirit and obedience to God's law. Joshua 1:1-11 Felix Wantang
If Satan really wanted to face Jesus Christ in a battle, he will be facilitating the End of the Age by helping to spread the gospel to the whole world. This must be fulfilled for the End to come. Matthew 24:14 Felix Wantang
When Satan tempted Adam, he was disguised as a serpent; when Satan tempted Jesus, he was not disguised. As we approach the End of the Age, Satan will gradually unmask himself. Matthew 24 and Revelation 13 Felix Wantang
Human technology can only go as far as the limitations set by God. Daniel 12:3-4 Felix Wantang